SBTCA Mentor Application

SBTCA Mentor Application

The role of the Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club of America (SBTCA) Judges Mentor is to educate prospective Staffordshire Bull Terrier judges by providing ringside tutoring.

Mentors possess and demonstrate the following qualities:

  • Knowledge of the background, history and function of the Staffordshire Bull Terrier
  • Good communication skills
  • Time availability and willingness to mentor prospective judges by meeting them ringside at shows and specialties

Mentors agree to the following principles:

  • Good sportsmanship at all dog events
  • Ability to be unbiased in critiquing dogs
  • Commitment to never promote their own dogs or dogs of their breeding
  • Commitment to use the AKC standard and the SBTCA currently approved materials for ringside tutoring.
  • Dress and speak in a professional manner

A SBTCA member who wishes to become a SBTCA Judges Mentor and feels they meet the criteria outlines below may make an application to the SBTCA Judges’ Education Committee, documenting their qualifications. Applicant will then need to be recommended by the JEC, based on the application and approved by the SBTCA Board.