Introducing the JEC Journal
“The role of the SBTCA Judges Education Committee (JEC) is to participate in the protection and preservation of the breed by educating the key players. This will be done by providing up to date and standardized breed education to judges and enthusiasts, to continuously evaluate training materials and results, and to keep and grow databases of information to build tools for the future.”
In the recent past the JEC has not had a great deal of regular communication directly with the membership as our focus has been primarily on educating AKC licensed judges and those seeking to become judges. However, the SBTCA currently has at least 6 members who are Stafford breeder-judges with more on the way. Also, with an updated mission statement that is now written to include “key players” we believe there’s perhaps no one more “key” than SBTCA breeders and our members. Keep in mind, the JEC still maintains its primary focus outlined by the AKC to put provide parent club approved educational resources and opportunities for judges, but we would like to start sharing more of these resources with the membership for anyone who is interested in furthering their education whether it be for personal interest or if you wish to become a judge one day.
As a part of building the SBTCA educational resource library the JEC will be identifying a series of articles that are recommended and approved reading material. These will be on a wide variety of conformation related topics and will come hand selected by the JEC with permission from the authors to be reproduced and participate in the JEC Approved Reading Library program. Newly created articles and never-before seen materials will also arise out of the program. This will help streamline the process for judges who are looking to sort through for educational materials that are congruent with the SBTCA Breed Standard, SBTCA Breed Seminar, SBTCA Illustrated Standard, and SBTCA ringside mentoring protocol. It will also expose members new and old alike, to a club resource library which we hope to have compiled on the JEC section of our new website once that is ready. All SBTCA JEC recommended and approved educational resources will be easily identifiable for judges by looking for the following seal:
The process of building this library will take some time, and members are encouraged to submit original material or make suggestions for the inclusion of other materials that meet the criteria above and come from sources willing to allow us to redistribute (with author credits) to the Judge’s Ed Committee – JudgesEd@sbtca.com