New Education Materials coming soon

The 2023-2024 Judge Education Committee has been working hard at a revamping of our materials to bring you the best possible educational experience we can offer. We are working with other marketing committees such as Staff Status, and The Annual to brand everything SBTCA to have a corporate identity using our club colors, blue and gold. In this way any time someone picks up something produced and marketed by SBTCA it will be immediately apparent that it is officially from the parent club and the club members are working together to produce carefully thought out and professional materials. 

The current JEC, and those before us, use the official AKC written Breed Standard as our guide in all things ‘Education’. We also incorporate materials from those who came before us with more experience adding to our materials their seminar materials and books. In this way we take advantage of decades of Stafford knowledge and experience. Our goal is to be able to offer anyone looking to learn the Staffordshire Bull Terrier and how to understand the breed based upon the Standard the best opportunity to create a visual of the written word. 

We are developing new materials, a mentoring process (with apprenticeship and training), new images for our Illustrated Breed Standard (including cleaning up the text), videos, handouts and more organization so that later when the JEC has more members we are consistent in what we offer. We are seeking more members to apply for both club approved mentor and JEC member.


The purpose of the SBTCA JEC is to put forth enough accurate and consistent information based upon the AKC written BREED STANDARD to all judges which assists in understanding all nuances of the Staffordshire Bull Terrier which then in turn makes up Stafford BREED TYPE. This breed specific information is what specifically differentiates one breed from another. With this information, when in the ring the judge will take everything into consideration and place accordingly.